New collection “Beneath the Surface” by 1907

The 1907 has launched long-awaited releases in the “Beneath the Surface” collection. These are (yet?) two women’s scents – Genevieve and Mon âme.

Both are perfume extracts containing 20% ​​fragrance, packed in minimalist, elegant bottles of high-quality glass with an all-metal lid. The bottle is decorated with a ceramic band and with the brand logo in 12 carat gold burned directly into the glass.

What is the motto of the collection?

“We live our individual lives, we show some parts it, we hide deeply the others. We protect and hide what we have under the surface, under the skin. Our interiors are full of unspoken things, thoughts, emotions, images. We try to fulfill ideas, expectations, we try to adapt, to merge. We will only show the most hidden in us to those who have our full confidence. And sometimes we are afraid to show it to ourselves. The way we live real lives, who we really are, is hidden beneath the surface.”

Mon âme

“Emotions, perceptions, images, negatives, positives, everything we experience is stored in layers. Layer by layer, piece by piece in different colors and shades. Those layers form. They create us, our souls. Nothing in us is as deep as what we put there.”


“Who is Genevieve? Unbroken by the surroundings and circumstances, confident, balanced, life lived according to her ideas. Determined and elegant, emphatic. She knows that the right decision is still the one that moves her towards the goal.”

I would add that by my personal impression of fragrances each is indeed different and both are very original and at least worthy of trying. The effort of the manufacturer was to create fragrances that are not definable by individual components, but act as a single unit.

Still looking at the boxes (I will reveal that each has a quote printed on the side):

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